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How AI can support core business functions.

1. AI in core business functions

Many common business functions, which occur routinely within companies, are already being supported by AI-based systems and facilities.  As the AI revolution gains pace all these common business functions are set to further benefit from an ever-increasing adoption of AI. This report highlights how AI is currently supporting such common business functions and the use cases where real-world AI can be applied.   

Commencing an AI roadmap

Regardless of where a company is in the usage of AI it is timely to understand that many core business concerns and functions are now capable of significant augmentation through AI approaches. The rate of AI adoption is unprecedented and offers compelling ROI for businesses positioned to adopt these.  The D-LAB network has access to a rapidly maturing set of use cases for core business functions where real-world experience and expertise can be applied with minimal risk and where ROI can be delivered in a 3–6-month timeframe


Business Sector targeted use-cases – each business sector is characterised by specific concerns and considerations. AI use cases reflect these sector differences. In subsequent bulletins, D-LAB will explore particular sectors in turn, such as; Healthcare, Financial Services, Retail, Engineering, Construction, Pharmaceuticals, Beauty and Cosmetics, Software Engineering, etc.

Key business considerations

Five things to understand about AI.

2. AI use cases

Real-World use cases can be mapped into repeatable business functions and for business sector specific solution

Use cases for common business functions

Within the business functions considered in this document, there is considerable overlap E.g., Operations and Analytics span and influence many of the others.

AI Techniques such as anomaly detection, the use of chatbots, etc, also overlap many of these business functions but are applied to the specific concerns of individual functions.

These commonalities present an opportunity to replicate expertise over multiple business concerns in adopting particular AI-based approaches.

Core business functions with their major AI impacts

3. AI in business intelligence

The examination of data to obtain insights, extracting information resulting from the systematic analysis of data. Analytics, in the business sense, is measurement and metrics. KPI’s KPC’s and management information reporting of all kinds. Ranging from mundane spreadsheet-style calculations and summarisations to more sophisticated statistical analysis, this is the number crunching that underpins businesses, informing decision making and strategy at a day-to-day level.

Current state AI for business intelligence

Potential BI data sources

AI trends for BI and their business impact

Use cases: AI can enhance current analytics and BI/MI by improved “joining of the dots”, leveraging new and meaningful data held in disparate silo’s and in automating the collation and alignment of data for analysis. AI can help automate and enhance the measurement and reporting of KPIs, making them more accurate, timely, and actionable.

AI-augmented performance data measurement – Using AI to gather richer and widely related data for KPI measurement.

KPI anomaly detection – Modelling data and KPI’s to detect anomalies. Detecting data quality issues.

Predictive analytics – Using predictive methods to anticipate KPI’s against expected trends. Identifying false positives and false negatives.

Improved strategic alignment – AI driven interconnected and dynamic KPI’s to monitor and  improve strategic alignment. 

Governance KPI’s – the increase in fidelity and coverage for data underpinning business activities allows the derivation of Governance KPI’s

Enhanced data consolidation – Mapping and interpreting data from disparate sources to form consolidated data views for KPI gathering.

KPI Frequency improvements – Using AI driven data collection to improve KPI frequency and granularity.

BI verification – crosschecking and triangulating results by using automated code generation against BI requirements.

Better self-service KPI’s – Allowing unstructured KPI’s to be composed and  interrogated through self-service interfaces for business partners and customers.

4. AI in marketing

Artificial intelligence (AI) has revolutionised the digital marketing industry in recent years. AI is being used in various ways to boost the efficiency and effectiveness of digital marketing campaigns. Generative AI has the ability to consume, generate and shape marketing content and provide an ability to scale and add oversight and consistency for marketing related activities. Coupled with effective data gathering AI can rapidly assess the effectiveness of marketing strategies and campaigns.

Current state AI for marketing

Forward AI trends for marketing and their business impact

Use cases: Marketing based AI use cases are increasingly driven from a more refined high-fidelity understanding of both target customers and the business marketplace. The ability of contemporary AI to determine highly actionable data based on the discovery of high impact relationships and attributes of the underlying data is key to realising major benefits from AI driven marketing activities.

Know customer preferences – AI can derive customer preferences from different sources (ERP, social media, web analytics, surveys, CRM, etc.). Focused strategies and campaigns can be created by clustering customers on key data (such as demographics, interests, behaviours, etc.)

Predictive customer and marketplace analytics –AI helps marketers make data-driven decisions, by using AI to analyse customer and market data and provide actionable insights.

Intelligent Recommendations – AI assists marketers increase conversions and retention by using recommender systems to suggest products, services, or content relevant to customers. AI can also use natural language processing (NLP) and computer vision to understand customer queries and provide accurate answers or solutions.

Data infrastructure sophistication – By gathering and analysing data. AI can help marketers collect/process build sophisticated models from various sources, such as websites, social media, and 3rd party data sources.

Content Creation – Generating marketing content based on chosen themes can be achieved with Generative AI to a very high level of sophistication in a fraction of the time formerly take by human content creators, tailored for customer traits.

Email Personalisation – Email personalisation can be achieved based on complex customer observations of their preferences, reviews and other interactions with a business to more form more precisely targeted marketing campaigns 

SEO content optimisation – Ai based analytics of SEO trends can enable SEO tuning to magnify the visibility for web site content. AI generated content such as blog posts can also drive SEO precision yielding more efficient marketing and advertising spends. 

Social Listening – AI based social media listening can uncover and highlight marketing trends as well as identifying target demographics and special interest groups for marketing purposes.

AI enhanced CRM – AI based data gathering and processing can be used to enrich CRM platforms with augmented details of customer browsing and buying trends.

5. AI in operations

Businesses are using artificial intelligence (AI) in a variety of ways to improve their operational landscape by driving efficiencies through saved time and decreased costs. Operations generally refer to a wide perspective that spans or has an impact on many other business functions. AI is quickly becoming an essential tool in business operations for companies across industries. From an operations point of view the most popular application of AI includes customer based operations, cybersecurity and fraud management, customer relationship management, digital personal assistants, inventory management, forms and paperwork processing, and content production of all forms.

Current state AI for operations

AI trends for operations and their business impact

Use cases: Operations based AI use cases are being driven from a higher frequency and diversity of operational data.  This diversity feeds into many data-driven processes each of which can be examined or augmented by AI. All these use cases require that the relevant data can be made available.

Intelligent Automation – The combination of AI and Robotic process Automation allows AI derived actionable insights to be translated into automated responses and workflows, raising operational agility and increasing efficiency.

Facilities Management – AI can work in conjunction with building sensors and other automation to increase savings and efficiencies for facilities management

Predictive maintenance – Again working with sensor data and in conjunction with CMMS (Computerised Maintenance Management Systems) AI can predict equipment failure and proactively schedule interventions, preventing downtime, disruption, and lost revenue.

Incident root cause analysis  – AI can assist in analysing data following an incident to determine root-cause, allowing pro-active remediations to be made.

Content generation – Operations itself routinely needs to publish process description, policies and other content. A suitably trained LLM application can assist in the generation of materials like these.

Fraud prevention – AI can analyse financial data to highlight discrepancies and anomalies,  detecting and preventing fraud.

Document processing – document processing, such as invoices, policies, contracts, rental agreements etc can be scanned and processed by document-based AI systems to speed up processing and apply consistency.

Cybersecurity Anomaly and threat detection – AI can detect cybersecurity threats and anomalies, raising alerts and allowing proactive responses to be made

Inventory and Supply chain management Trends and utilisation patterns – Stock control and order management systems can use AI to predict usage patterns and anticipate supply chain characteristics to fine-tune order and inventory management.

Analysis of CX/UX patterns – analysis of usage patterns for applications can determine CX and UX patterns – this knowledge can be used to alter the applications to realise specific benefits

Virtual Assistants  – Working with productivity tools such as MS 365 virtual assistants can manage priorities and streamline personal workflows.

Advanced cost analysis – AI can manage disparate costing information from service providers to optimise service spending.

6. AI in sales

AI can help sales teams save time, sell more efficiently, and adapt quickly to buyer needs. AI can magnify attention and reactiveness, providing data-driven insights, personalising sales outreach, and automating numerous sales activities.

Current state AI for sales

AI trends for sales and their business impact

Use cases: Sales based AI use cases are increasingly driven from analytics of customers sales outcomes and sales characteristics. AI permits high fidelity decision making at scale allowing large numbers of customers and sales diversity(SKU’s) as well as varied sales scenarios to be managed and conducted with consistency and precision.

Predictive pricing & pricing trend analysis – Utilising in-house and marketplace sales data to detect market trends and movements to drive pricing adjustments.

Sales forecasting – project sales forecast for actual and what-if scenarios against marketplace to co-ordinate planning activities and maximise opportunities

Lead Generation – Analyse marketplace data to identify or anticipate demand. 

Sales response suggestions – process and categorise sales responses feedback to formulate sales team and customer specific actions.

Sales Strategy suggestions – Identify changes in customer behaviour and service/product to make sales strategy suggestions.

Sales lead preference analysis – evaluate sales lead priority metrics and perform sales scenario analysis to determine efficacy and maximise business advantage.

Social Listening – review social media for customers and customer organisations to determine customer preferences and demand.

Contact Analytics – monitor customer communications to determine customer preferences and demand and identify key decision makers.

Voice of Customer Analytics – monitor any VOC reviews and feedback on third party review sites or gathered through company websites and social media channels.

Competitor Review Analysis – Analyse reviews for competitor products and services to evaluate gaps and differentiators.

Sales Funnel Analysis – Analyse all steps of the sales funnel to identify problems ( e.g.  Delay in follow-ups, Not enough sales capacity, Pursuing deals that are too small or poor fit,  Low contact rates Inaccurate performance metrics, etc.)

Sales Support intelligence – identifying and communicating real-time sales trends to sales support. 

Sales Performance analytics – AI streamlines the data collection, processing, and analysis of sales performance, leading to a more real-time to issues, trends and anomalies, leading to improved and rapid decision-making.

7. AI in human resources

AI is increasingly being used in human resources to help drive decisions about hiring, retention, and employee development. AI is also able to provide insights and guidance for career development, bonus estimation and risk evaluation, as well as analysing surveys, calculating market adjustments for tasks like payroll and benefits administration, and in drafting HR related content such as policies, job descriptions, job advertisement, and interview questions.

Current state AI for HR

AI trends for HR and their business impact

Use cases: HR based AI use cases enabled by text-based processing of materials related to human activities such as personal performance assessments, as well as details of individual involvement across the operational and business realm. The increasing ability of language-aware AI to extract and evaluate these materials highlights use cases where AI provides agility, scale, and consistency while unlocking efficiencies and savings.

Career management – Analysing data to align individuals against career and role profiles to support employer and management reviews and feedback.

Recruitment and hiring, processing applications and CV’s – Processing resumés and applications to stream and categorise these and reduce administrative overhead

Self-service applications   Chatbot based interviewing and assessment, prompted by candidate responses and resumés.

Employee Performance analysis  – processing employee and management performance review assessments, highlighting and scheduling key-actions, making policy-based recommendations

Email and messaging generation – Generation of personalised email communications for HR purposes

Social Listening – reviewing social media for employee interaction and discussion of company related matters, identifying preferences and issues.

Job description generations – creating job descriptions for advertising campaigns

ASK HR Self-service   HR related chatbots managing employee queries and requests

Retention management – examining human capital marketplace conditions to react and adjust to changes in expectation for employee roles in order to protect retention levels.

Identification of at-risk employees. Identifying factors in performance review, attendance records, social media, etc indicating at-risk employees for well-being, retention, or grievance purposes.

Voice of Employer processing and surveys – analysis of third-party VOE sites, online news, social media, etc to determine employee satisfaction levels or trends

Self-service on-boarding   Chatbot based onboarding,  indoctrination sessions and intake administration interacting with candidate responses.

8. AI in customer services

AI has revolutionized customer service providing faster, more personalized, smarter experiences to customers regardless of whether they call, visit a website, or use a mobile app. Conversational AI can now transform standard support into exceptional care when giving customers instant, accurate, customised service. AI also helps customer service organisations generate revenue by identifying sales opportunities, providing product recommendations, and creating personalized offers. AI can also help cross-sell and upsell products and services based on customer behaviour, preferences, and needs.

Current state AI for customer service

AI trends for customer service and their business impact

AI trends for HR and their business impact

Use cases: Customer service use-cases using AI are focused on streamlining the customer service experience and engaging with the customer for all their needs, anticipating and responding to their preferences and engaging with them in a personalised and highly aware manner.

Call Classification and routing – intelligent responsive call handling

Speed and Accuracy of information – Surfacing customer information and answers quickly via predictive methods

Social Media Listening – Correlation and usage of customer details from social media

Processing communications, surveys, and reviews – Using advanced language to extract specific and general customer viewpoints and concerns from textual information.

Voice recognition and authentication – AI driven voice-based sophistication for voice recognition and authentication

Email generation and follow up activities – Post contact activities such as email generation, customer write-ups and scheduling of proactive customer care steps.

Proactive engagement – Increased customer satisfaction through proactive customer services engagement, initiating actions, call-backs, etc.

Self-service customer solutions – Use of natural language features to permit naturalistic customer self-service.

Agent Efficiency – Agent efficiency through streamlined and automated customer engagement handling.

Recommender systems – Support customer care and revenue generation with recommender systems.

Intent discovery – More accurate understanding of customer contact point motivations.

Customer support summaries and summary frequency – collating multiple data sources for customer support and CRM summaries. Identifying events pertinent to specific customers.

Fully automated administration routines – Streamlined customer interaction via language enabled fully automated administration routines

Tuning best practice answers and consistency – Predictively determining best practice answers and responses, enabling customer service consistency.

Identification of at-risk customers – Preventing churn by identifying at-risk and dissatisfied customers.

9. AI in data management

Data has been a critical business resource for decades. The abiding difference between data and information has meant that unlocking the business benefit of data has been complex and resource intensive.  The advent of generative AI has significantly enabled this data-information interchange as well as providing the techniques and methods to unlock the business benefits.  Data, as a business commodity, is increasing in business importance, requiring businesses to locate additional data sources to enrich and enable their own decision-making processes. This revised data management landscape highlights many use cases for opportunities and characteristics of interest.

Current state AI for data management

Data mastery

AI trends for data management

Use cases: AI has enabled an enhanced level of data mastery and depth for data management. Use cases here are delivering improved data quality and enabling improved depth/finesse in unlocking business benefits from data as Ai has enabled the sophisticated detection of business events from data.

Data manipulation and alignment for quality – AI can search for and align data to apply data quality checks and adjustments.

Merging data from disparate sources – AI can merge data from differing sources, such as legacy silos to give overarching visibility, or to enrich data held in critical systems (e.g.,. ERP, KPI, CRM, etc)

Automated indexing and cataloguing of data – AI can review data, creating indexes for business specified purposes as well as cataloguing data to highlight features of business interest 

Advanced data queries and filtering – AI can be trained and tuned to hold business data and enable sophisticated overarching data queries and data extraction, such as filtering.

What-If scenario processing – AI can establish data models representing differing business What-If scenarios. These differing viewpoints enable informed strategic evaluation of alternatives

Data obfuscation – AI can detect and mask sensitive or regulated data, obfuscating these for training or application testing purposes.

Optimising data access costs and data relocation strategies – Accessing and moving large amounts of data can incur significant cost with cloud-based infrastructure.  AI can calculate optimal storage strategy and lower costs based on anticipated usage, relocating data to lower cost storage tiers as needed.

Enhanced data security – AI can apply knowledge of up-to-the-minute security threats and evaluate these against the as-is configuration to anticipate and prevent cyber attacks

Synthetic data creation – AI can model existing real-world datasets and generate synthetic data for application testing, or for business stress testing.

10. AI in financial control

The Examination of data to obtain insights, extracting information resulting from the systematic analysis of data. Analytics, in the business sense, is measurement and metrics. KPI’s KPC’s and management information reporting of all kinds. Ranging from mundane spreadsheet-style calculations and summarisations to more sophisticated statistical analysis, this is the number crunching that underpins businesses, informing decision making and strategy at a day-to-day level.

Current state of AI for financial control

AI trends for financial control and their business impact :

Use cases: AI is moving financial control to an ever-increasingly real-time financial view of a business to support high-fidelity decision making. AI can more fluidly combine and extract information from multiple sources providing insights in response to changing business conditions.

Demand and revenue forecasting – AI can predict demand and revenue based on marketplace analysis, anticipating costs against budgets and cashflows.

Anomaly and error detection – marketplace and business conditions can be examined by AI to detect or predict unusual patterns and anomalies.

Invoices and paperwork – AI can process business paperwork, both generating outward items (invoices, purchase orders, supplier agreements, etc.) as well as processing received items (supplier invoices, correspondence, agreements, etc.)

Decision support and what-if analysis – AI can support what-if scenarios to allow evaluation of differing financial strategies to support strategic decision making.

Point of cycle revenue and accounting – Increased data agility and handling abilities allow much improved point-of-cycle reporting to better respond to business events.

Collections activities / creditor analysis at-risk accounts – AI can model creditor behaviour to highlight or anticipate at-risk accounts.

Fraud detection and preventions – AI can monitor internal financial processes and patterns to detect and avoid fraudulent activity.

Trading decision support – AI can review trading activity to detect errors ensuring that trading processes are being correctly executed.

Trends and triggers – AI driven data management can detect important business events and trends to trigger appropriate responses, such as critical price increases. 

Risk Management – AI can be applied to the minutiae of a business risk register and review available data to gather relevant detail for review.

Credit Scoring/Customer intelligence – AI can utilise external data sources and market intelligence to support decision making such as credit scoring

11. AI in technology

The application of technology to realise business objectives is very wide in scope.  Focusing specifically on software development demonstrates how AI can support a well understood discipline with large business impact being both complexity and resource intensive.  Technology beyond software engineering entails other engineering practices where AI can be applied to measurement and collected data to yield specific benefits, for example with sensor technology for IoT and industrial applications. The combination of engineering processes, process data, and desired engineering outcomes is a repeatable pattern for the application of AI to technology-based activities within business, exemplified here by software development.

Current state AI for software development

AI trends for software development

Use cases: For technology-based activities, such as software development, AI use cases represent an increased awareness of practice activities at all levels, allowing a more tool-based and consistent approach for these activities. Well-ordered and structured activities will be achievable to a high level of precision with very significant improvements in productivity and overall risk reduction. 

Automating code review, bug fixing, testing, and compilation – AI can examine Existing or legacy code to detect bugs, make amendments, generate test data, or migrate to a different coding language

Generating code automatically – LLM based code generators will be able to generate draft software in a consistent and instantaneous manner. 

Creating better SDLC toolsets & frameworks – AI supported software engineering toolsets and frameworks will bring benefits and improved ways-of-working.

Enhanced User Experience – The increased ease of creating delivered software will allow more A-B testing to take place, yielding higher levels of User-Experience.

SDLC decision making – AI, by rapidly centralising salient issues will Improve SDLC day-to-day decision-making, error management, and task time estimation.

SDLC design activities – AI is also changing the way software engineers think and work, pivoting from design to platform thinking, focusing on how platforms function in goal-oriented design.

Automated interface negotiation – AI can generate interfacing code between applications by examining their interfaces or wrap existing code in APIs to conform to standard interfacing patterns.

Documentation generation – AI can generate documentation for program code for the use of support staff, end-users or customers.

Generate SDLC deliverables – AI can draft or check user stories, acceptance criteria, and business requirements, while conforming to all applicable standards, conventions and guidelines.

Knowledge and courseware generation – AI can generate detailed engineering specifications or educational courseware from application code.

Cost optimisation – Understanding production runtime infrastructure at design time AI can estimate production runtime costs to better inform application design

N.B. – Some of these use-cases are things that will change because of AI impact, such as the enhanced toolsets,  improved decision making and design thinking etc.

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